Welcome to the Young Adult Book Release Guide!
The Young Adult Book Guide is a reference website on all young adult books releasing yearly. Books are divided through many categories; books by month, books by genre, books by author, books by title, books by publisher, and last but definitely not least, debut books. This site can be used for bloggers, readers, authors, anyone, if you will. You can use this as a guide for your reading lists. If your looking for an upcoming young adult book, this is the perfect reference!
Want to add a book to the categories? Easy! Just fill out the following form with the exact release date, author, title, what type of genre, Goodreads link, and if it is a debut:
When submitting a novel, please keep in mind:
- must be young adult
- cannot be released yet
- it may take up to a month for it to be added so please be patient
- once the book has been released, it will be removed from the lists after a couple of weeks
If a book is already listed in a category, but not an another, and want it to be listed, you may fill out the form again and put a * in the box of which category you want it in. Make sure you do this so that it's clear and easy to understand.
Please do not copy the lists for you're own book blog. It takes hours and hours to compile all these lists, so if you'd really like to, please credit this blog and don't take it as your own compiled list. Thank you.
*I'm looking for two assistants to help me maintain the Young Adult Book Release Guide. I have a lot of obligations and I run my own young adult blog, which means the YABRG isn't my only priority. If you're willing to help, please find more information here.